Friday, November 11, 2011

Package Files for Zip Download with

In some of my other posts I've talked about an application I have built that accesses the Flickr API and provides campus administrators with a filtered view of the images in our Flickr account. 
One of the features of this site is a photo bucket where users can "mark as favorite" certain images.  I have now included a function that allows them to download all of their favorite photos in a zip file. 


This app utilizes the SharpZip Library – available here.


Basically the user clicks on a button and the zip file presents itself for download


<asp:LinkButton ID="lbDownload" runat="server" OnClientClick="$(this).html('Creating Zip File... this may take a moment')">Download
All Images (.zip)</asp:LinkButton>
Note that I am using jQuery to handle some client feedback.

Code Behind:

Public Function CreateZipOfFavorites(ByVal intUserId As Integer) As String


'Get list of users favoriates from the database
Dim dsFavs As DataSet = UserFavorites(intUserId)

If Not IsNothing(dsFavs) Then

'Zip filename will be a simple datetime string
Dim strNow As String = String.Format("{0:MMM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss}", System.DateTime.Now)
'Create the Zip library
Dim myZipStream As New ZipOutputStream(File.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("./Zips/") + strNow + ".zip"))

'This is the Photo object that comes from the FlickrNet.dll
Dim myPhoto As PhotoInfo
'Loop through the favorites and add them to zip
For Each drFav As DataRow In dsFavs.Tables(0).Rows

'Grab the files from flickr
myPhoto = myFlickr.PhotosGetInfo(ImageGetFlickrId(drFav("pc_id")))
'Sycronously grab the data (note, large files will take time)
Dim fileClient As New Net.WebClient()
Dim dataBuffer As Byte() = fileClient.DownloadData(myPhoto.OriginalUrl)

'Put the images into the zip library
Dim zipEntry As New ZipEntry(myPhoto.PhotoId & "." & myPhoto.OriginalFormat)
myZipStream.Write(dataBuffer, 0, dataBuffer.Length)


'Clean up and close up

'Return the file name
Return strNow & ".zip"

'Return blank if no zip is created
Return ""
End If

Catch ex As Exception
myErrorHandler.Exception = ex
Return ""
End Try

End Function
Protected Sub lbDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lbDownload.Click

Dim fileZip As String = CreateZipOfFavorites(myPhotoCentral.UserGetId(Session("LogonUser")))
If fileZip <> "" Then
Session("FlashMessage") = "Zip file created."

Response.ContentType = "application/force-download"
Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachement; filename=" & fileZip)
Response.TransmitFile("Zips/" & fileZip)
Session("FlashMessage") = "Zip file creation failed."
End If

End Sub